Table of contents
Steghide is a steganography tool. The main purpose of this tool is to hide confidential data in an image or audio file. In this tutorial, I will explain the tools and usage in a beginner-friendly way.
Topics discussed :
**1. Image Steganography
- More options
2.1 Information retrieve
2.2 Compression mode
2.3 Encryption Algorithms - Audio Steganography**
Below showing, my cover file — index.jpeg and my.txt is the secret data file
Text file to hide inside image / audio
Image and secret text file
Image Steganography
Basic of image steganography :
- Steghide supports JPEG, BMP, WAV and AU file formats. File formats like PNG are not supported with this tool. But BMP, GIF and JPG are also supported.
- Embed mode is used to hide data inside file
- -ef \= The file I want to hide inside another file
- -cf = Cover file, the image file I will use to hide inside
- A password is required to embed the file. This will add extra security to the file we want to protect.
Hiding data inside an image
Picture after embedding
- Extract mode is used to retrieve the secret file from the image
- -sf = specify the file with secret message
- You will need the password that was used while embedding file
Extract and read secret data
More options
Information retrieve :
- Before extracting data from any image / audio file, we can check for the information
- If the file is password protected, we will need that password to view the information about embedded file
- Info module is used to do this.
Information retrieve
Compression mode :
- Compression is used to save memory space, but a small mistake can corrupt the entire file
- steghide has 9 level (1 to 9) for compression
- lowest level (1) = fast compression
- highest level (9) = best compression
- -z is used to specify the level
Compression mode
Encryption Algorithms :
- We can use encryption with steganography to hide data more secretly
- To list all compatible encryption algorithm:
**steghide --encinfo**
- -e is used to specify the algorithm name to be used
Using algorithm
Audio Steganography
- AU and WAV audio formats are supported by steghide
- Command and process is same as image steganography
Embedding secret file with audio file
- Info mode also works with audio file to show information.
Extraction from audio file
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